Under The Weather
Sickness Sucks
So last week I was worried about socializing, but it went better than I expected.
There were hurdles - some I managed to jump and some had me face planting on the concrete, breaking my nose, and walking around with a bloody and demented smile for the rest of the day. But the important part was that I made it through! I definitely count the past week as a win.
The unexpected hurdle of my week was getting sick. It came out of nowhere and hit me like concrete frisbee. And when I was wobbling around trying to get my bearings, the anvil fell on my head. I also ran out of tissues on day one, for some reason was vehemently against having supplies delivered to me (who truly knows what goes on in my brain, I sure as hell don’t have a fucking clue), and instead ending up going through two rolls of toilet paper which got painful after a while. So there was that.
Ultimately it was a wild week from beginning to end. I had fun. I stressed myself out. I ate food. I didn’t eat food and got a headache. I exercised. I lazed around. It was great.
This being said, I barely got any writing done. I still made time to daydream and brainstorm and all that, but I was either too busy to write things down or I was preoccupied by my body dying and decaying. I was feeling better today, but decided to give myself a day to recuperate and start again tomorrow.
Here’s to getting back on track after a week of fun and fever!